Search Engine Optimization
Good SEO strategies are essential to improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website
What is SEO exactly? Let's start easy. Search engine optimization is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and position of web pages in organic search results.
SEO is the dedication of guiding web searchers to your site naturally (no ads) on sites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Getting more people on your site doesn't mean much if those visitors aren't qualified. For SEO to work well, you need to guide the right searchers to your site and ensure that the answer you are providing is what is searched.
A good SEO strategy is tailored to your business goals, builds trust in your brand, and supports almost every other aspect of marketing. You could plaster advertisements on every billboard in your city, but if your website doesn't show up when people open up their phones and search for you, that ad spend is wasted.
We can help—let's talk about what you need and how TAG can get you there.