True Collaborative Work Starts at the Inception
RISE™Robotics has developed a completely new, fluid-free, electric alternative to hydraulic cylinders for heavy equipment and machinery. RISE™Technology is a superior alternative to hydraulic systems. Unprecedented efficiency enables OEMs to deliver cost-effective, battery-electric products with better performance, runtime, and availability.
RISE™Inside Means Powerful
What was missing?
It wasn't the technology; it wasn't the capability; it was awareness in the marketplace that what RISE™ can do and the benefits that working with RISE™ to develop better equipment could deliver, and so it started right there.
We couldn't afford to be industrial machinery's best-kept secret. We needed to come out of the closet and tell people who RISE™ is, what we do, and why it matters. Our content strategy was all about just that. Who is RISE™, what do we do, and why does that matter? We used a variety of means to deliver that message, right? TAG is an essential part of the trajectory that we're on because, gosh, where did we start? We started with, "Let's get the website, let's get it-- let's get ourselves into a 21st-century website, and let's just get that messaging right first."
Then, "Let's start adding content purposefully. Let's create. Let's get into the RISE™Inside Podcast and talk to founders and investors and early customers, early adopters about who RISE™ is, where we came from, what we do, why it matters." Then we added blog content and then video snippets. Then we started using social media outlets, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. We've had a very; I'd say, comprehensive strategy around that explanation of who RISE™ is, what we do, why it's essential, how we take that out, and what we want to do is generate interest, enough interest, that people would reach out and touch us.
-- Ken Gray, Vice President of Business Development for RISE™Robotics --
TAG Services
How we work with RISE™ today
At TAG, we certainly feel fortunate to have the opportunity to work with RISE™ each and every day.
A great content strategy is an all-encompassing approach to creating content that drives your key business objectives. And while there's no one-size-fits-all solution, identifying and including the three key elements—brand focus, user experience, and content distribution—will help develop a plan for success.
How TAG Helps RISE™Robotics
Content Strategy
At TAG, we helped RISE™ develop a thoughtful and purposeful content strategy to tell the unique brand story.
CRM Implementation
Working in unison with the RISE™ Team, we helped improve the usage and effectiveness of their CRM platform experience.
The RISE™Inside Podcast to anchors their content strategy and engages their customers, prospects, and investors.
Social Media
By defining the best platforms for RISE™ to distribute content, ideas, and share their story, engagement continues to climb.